Hi, I'm Done Ekpo

Thank you for taking the time to know me: Together, let’s create a world where every individual, like me, can thrive and fulfill their potential.

My Journey: Overcoming Challenges and Inspiring Change

My Story

Throughout my journey, I encountered numerous challenges in accessing adequate care and support in my home country of Nigeria. Born with a deformity of my right foot and ankle, my early days were marked by uncertainty and struggle. Despite my family’s efforts, the lack of available medical resources made it difficult to address my condition effectively.

As time passed, my health deteriorated further, and I began experiencing seizures in the postnatal period. It was a daunting time for my family as we grappled with the uncertainties of my health condition and the limited options available for treatment.

Eventually, I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, a condition that affects my whole body, causing stiffness and limitations in movement. My reduced control over my posture made simple tasks challenging, and I relied heavily on my family for support and assistance with daily activities.

Despite these challenges, I remained determined and motivated to learn and interact with others. My desire for independence fueled my aspirations, but the lack of accessible resources hindered my progress.

In August 2023, everything changed when my family and I moved to the UK. Here, I found access to the care and support that had been so elusive in Nigeria. With the help of dedicated professionals and resources, I began to receive the therapies and interventions necessary for my development and well-being.

Today, I am a student at Riverside School, where I continue to learn and grow with the support of a caring community. My experiences have inspired my parents to establish the Life Care Trust Charity Foundation, dedicated to providing care and inclusion for individuals like me who face similar challenges. Through our foundation, we strive to create a world where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive and fulfill their potential, regardless of their circumstances.

My story is a testament to the power of perseverance, resilience, and the transformative impact of support and inclusion. Together, let us continue to champion for change and make a difference in the lives of those in need.

“Every act of kindness, no matter how small, has the power to change someone’s life. Whether it’s a donation of money, clothes, or simply lending a helping hand, let’s remember that together, we can make a difference in the lives of those in need.” – Done Ekpo

Journey Through My Lens

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