Programs & Services

Explore Our Array of Life-Enhancing Programs & Services

This page provides a detailed overview of how both monetary and non-monetary donations are utilized to support those in need. It showcases various initiatives and services, including healthcare provisions and educational programs, funded by generous contributions. Visitors can see firsthand the direct impact of their support in empowering individuals and communities, fostering a sense of collective well-being.

Inclusive Education

Establishing inclusive schools to provide formal and informal education for individuals with disabilities. Offering personalized educational support to empower individuals with disabilities to advance their knowledge and skills.

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Rehabilitation Services

Creating rehabilitation centers to offer personalized therapy and rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities. Providing specialized therapy units with qualified professionals offering physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and psychological counseling.

Vocational Training

Developing vocational training programs to equip individuals with disabilities with the necessary skills for gainful employment. Offering skill development workshops, job placement assistance, and entrepreneurship support to foster economic independence.

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Support Programs

Organizing support groups, recreational activities, and social events to foster community engagement and peer support, while also offering free medical and health services to those in need. Providing life skills training and support to enhance the independence and well-being of individuals with disabilities.

Advocacy and Awareness

Conducting awareness campaigns, workshops, and seminars to challenge stereotypes and promote disability rights. Advocating for inclusive policies and raising awareness about the capabilities and contributions of individuals with disabilities.

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Research and Development

Collaborating with academic institutions and researchers to contribute to the development of new therapies and assistive technologies. Promoting the advancement of inclusive practices for the benefit of individuals with disabilities.

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